Categories: Green Cleaning --

We are Green Cleaning certified!

Eco-Cleanology offered Green Cleaning from day one but we are now Green Cleaning Certified through IJCSA (International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association)

Eco-friendly cleaning services always focus on cleaning products that should be used (or not used), but eco-cleaning involves much more than that. A complete Green Cleaning program requires proper techniques and tools to truly impact health and the environment.

Our employees are trained! Our cleaning technicians receive documents to study and a practical exam.  They learn about the relation between dirt and green cleaning compounds and how they react to each other.

We are honest about our service.  We only offer eco-cleaning.  We are not interested in propagating toxic chemicals in the air.  This was always our mission.


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“Don’t kill the spider in the corner of the kitchen, it’s a pet”

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The Eco-Cleanology Brand!

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Your shower and bathtub are turning pink?

Meet Serratia marcescens! This pink stain you’ve found growing in your bathroom is not mold.   In fact, it’s a gram…

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Our Cleaning Protocol – Covid 19

Dear Customers, As we always worked with registered disinfectants in the past, our cleaning methods and products won’t change during…

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