Cleaning your house is the easiest part 😊 quoting you is the most challenging part. Most cleaning agencies use square footage or price by the hour but we didn’t find it reliable enough to fairly quote our customers.
Square footage? Square footage pricing is a wild card. It gives us nothing else than how big the space is. It’s also easier to deduct rooms than square footage when you want to exclude a room or two! We don’t walk around with a measuring tape!
By the hour? Many customers are not interested in paying by the hour because they fear cleaning technicians would take their times. They also feel more pressure to present a cleaner house so they don’t end up paying more. Also, most companies have a minimum of two hours for a crew of two, we don’t feel this is fair for owners of smaller houses or apartments.
Do we charge extra fees for extra dirty houses?
After our initial deep cleaning, we maintain the space as it was left. However, if you want us to perform deeper cleaning ( scrubbing oven, cleaning the interior of the fridge, erasing children’s artworks on the wall, cleaning after a party) we may charge you extra fees. We will always ask permission before we take care of extra duties.
After hours of testing, we came up with this tool.
How many rooms?
Our minimum is 7 rooms to clean ( which is about the size of a two bedrooms apt). This includes all the rooms you would like us to clean: kitchen, bedrooms, living room, family room, bathrooms, office, playroom, dining room, music room, craft room etc.. they all count as one room.
Special note about laundry room:Â they count as one room if they are defined as a room.
Open space:
Counts as 2 rooms (kitchen/breakfast -Family room)
Counts as 2 rooms (bedroom – living room)
How many bathrooms?
Out of the total rooms to clean, how many are bathrooms? Half bathrooms don’t have a shower or bathtub.
How many pets?
We do not overcharge for pets but we have an extra fee. We consider a pet any animal living freely in the house. ( rabbits in cages, fishes, hamsters etc.. don’t count). We love pets and we want to make sure they have a clean area too!
How many bedrooms not in use?
Ok, this is the tricky one but also the most important. In order to give you a fair pricing for your house cleaning, we need to know how many bedrooms are being used on a daily basis.
Ex: you live in a 4 bedrooms house. You are using the master bedroom and your kids are using two bedrooms. You converted the fourth bedroom as a guestroom. Enter one excluded room (because one bedroom is not use daily).
You live in a 3 bedrooms apartment. You and your husband are using the master bedroom. Your twin daughters are using the second bedroom and you converted the third bedroom as a home office. You have no room to exclude (because all your rooms are being used daily).
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If you have any questions, please contact us or use our pricing tool